Simplicity concept
– Logical operations can always be written in many ways.
– Choose the form that is easiest to understand.
– Keep it simple
extern int x, y, z;
void f (void)
if ((x < 4) && !(y || (z == 1)))
printf("do something");
if ((y == 0) && (z != 1) && (x < 4))
printf("do something");
if (!((x >= 4) || y || (z == 1)))
printf("do something");
if (x < 4)
if (!(y || (z == 1)))
printf("do something");
MISRA rules
MISRA-C:2004, Rule 12.4: The right-hand operand of a logical && or || shall not
contain side effects.
MISRA-C:2004, Rule 12.5: The operands of a logical && or || shall be primary
– i.e. constants or parenthesized.
MISRA-C:2004, Rule 12.6: The operands of logical operators shall be effectively
– i.e. serve a boolean purpose